
25th December
11 x 11 inches
Five delicate flames crushed by a gentle breeze

28th October
Breaking Free of Self Imposed Shackles
11 x 11 inches

25th October
Ode to The Moon
Harvest Full Moon 17th October
12 x 12 inches

22nd October
Deep Sea Bloom
12 x 12 inches

24th September
The Diamond Gate
12 x 12 inches
Gateway between Heaven and Earth

21st August
Green Tara
Acrylic on Tibetan Healing Bowl
Private commission. Artwork machine etched.

3rd July
Cardinal Sunrise
12 x 12 inches

4th December
16 x 12 inches
Acrylic on canvas board
I wanted to show one breath going in and out at the same time. This wasn't easy. I class this as my first attempt.
The in breath is shades of blue and the out breath from the core is shades of red and pink.

20th November
Blind Spot
Guache Painting
A Blind Spot is a physiological blind point where the lack of light detecting cells on the optic disc of the retina results in the field of vision being invisible. The brain takes information from the surrounding areas of the blind spot and from the other eye to make up what's missing. Ordinarily, we don't notice the blind spot exists.

16th November
Beneath the Blades ... of Grass
Guache Painting

19th February
The Big Wheel Keeps on Turning
Acrylic Painting
This is my personal interpretation of 'Squaring the Circle'.
Here, the circle represents a vortex. The squaring of the circle is the slowing down of the energy within the vortex. The red dot symbolising the dissolution of the energy within.
'Squaring the Circle' is a term with many interpretations. Generally speaking to 'square the circle' means to attempt the 'impossible'. In spirituality this is the divine connection of the spiritual and physical. Circles being a representation of the spiritual or infinite and squares being the physical.

9th January
The Feathered Flower
Guache Painting

8th January
The Grass is Greener on The Other Side
16 x 12 inches
Acrylic on canvas board
9th December
Lotus Bloom
16 x 12 inches
Acrylic on canvas board

25th October
When Three Become One
16 x 12 inches
Acrylic on canvas board

26th September ​
Double Vajra
21 x 21 inches
Acrylic on canvas
Work in progress.
A double vajra, Karma Gadri in style. This is the base coat, it's a long way from completion. I've been working on it recently so wanted to share it intermittently.

17th September
You Are Not Your Body
17 x 13 inches
Gouache on canvas
This was already in the gallery but but some of you requested to see the full painting again. I was reluctant to show the full version as some presume it's a self-portrait. It isn't. It's the dissolution of the five classical elements; air, fire, water, earth and ether.
'You Are Not Your Body' is the title of a series of six portraits I'm working on.

16 x 12 inches
Acrylic on canvas board
An ice-flower evaporates and dissolves.
I published this last week. I kept it minimal- by my standards, to allow the painting to breath. Yesterday, I felt compelled to define it. This is the update.​
Platonic Solids
I've been asked many times about the use of triangles in my work so I wanted to clarify. Triangles are platonic solids. They're the building blocks of our world from nature to human DNA. Triangles, circles and squares feature in my work with reference to the building blocks of our universe- the underlying grid.

1st September
A Room With A View
16 x 12 inches
Acrylic on canvas board
The pink house has a room with a view.

12 x 12 inches
Gouache on art board
Showing three energy points. The point at the pineal gland and between the eyes we're familiar with and there's one at the back of the head roughly at the same level to the one at the front.
I struggled to title this one. Should be straightforward given that it's literal. Suggestions on the back of a postcard to kal@visionaryart.world